Dead Ready Productions

+44 (0)208 339 6139

Video Testimonials: The Ultimate Tool For Authentic Brand Promotion

When it comes to video marketing, there’s no better way to build trust and credibility with your audience, than by communicating the first-hand experiences of your satisfied customers in a video testimonial.

Video testimonials generally take the form of 1-2 minute videos that tell a compelling story about your product or service, and how it’s made a tangible difference to an individual or business.

As opposed to a written testimonial or case study, the video format allows people to hear directly from your existing customers, painting a full picture of who they are and the problems you’ve helped solve.

At Dead Ready Productions, we know just how powerful these testimonials can be and we’ve helped countless brands leverage them to connect with potential customers and drive sales.

So why are customer testimonials so effective?

People are naturally skeptical of marketing messages. But when they hear about a product or service from someone who has used it, their skepticism decreases.

They are more likely to trust what they’re hearing and view your brand in a positive light – a study by BrightLocal found that 72% of consumers say positive testimonials and reviews make them trust a business more.

By sharing these human interactions, you can create a sense of community that will keep your audience engaged and invested in your brand, whilst at the same time encouraging more people to join in.

Another benefit to video testimonials is they allow your advocates to show how your product or service can be used and the difference it can make. This helps potential customers put themselves in the shoes of your clients and visualise how they could incorporate your brand into their business.

The video below was produced for Deputy, a scheduling software platform that helps businesses to save both time and money in a variety of ways. One of their customers who has seen many benefits from the use of their software is hotel chain citizenM, and Deputy wanted to promote this by creating a video that showcased the impact their software has had on their client’s business.

But how do you go about leveraging customer testimonials in your video marketing?

Below are some simple steps you should follow to ensure you get the most out of your customer testimonials when applying them to your video marketing:

Choose the right customers

Not every customer is going to be a good fit for a video testimonial. Look for customers who are passionate about your brand and who have a compelling story to tell. But also consider how they’ll come across on camera – they need to be good communicators, and having a visually appealing premises will help bring the story to life.

You want to showcase the people who will resonate with your target market, so choose wisely the customers you feature.

Our client, Fortius Clinic, were looking to support the marketing of their orthopaedic services with a new video featuring a top flight athlete.

The video testimonial tells the story of how Fortius Clinic helped British diver and multi-Olympic medalist, Tom Daley, deal with an orthopaedic issue and how Fortius’ high standard of care allowed him to go on and achieve a number of top sporting accolades.


Keep it authentic

Don’t script your customer testimonials. Instead let your customers speak from the heart and share their genuine experiences. This approach will come across as more authentic and will resonate more strongly with your audience.

In the video testimonial below, our client, AirPlus International, arranged for their customer, NES Global Talent (now the NES Fircroft Group), to visit their offices for a video shoot.

Members of NES staff were interviewed about the benefits that AirPlus International had brought to their business and b-roll footage was also captured.

Video testimonials can either be shot on-site at a client’s office or a convenient filming location can be found. However, at Dead Ready Productions we would usually recommend filming on-site as this allows for relevant b-roll to be easily captured, which can then be included in the final edit. 


Tell the story

It’s not just about listing the positive attributes of your product or service. A good testimonial is more than just a list of positive attributes. It’s a story that connects with your audience on an emotional level.

Focus on the benefits that your product or service can bring, whilst at the same time helping your customers talk about their personal experience with your company in a way that will engage and inspire your target market.

Video truly allows you to present a broad overview of who your customer is, for example by showing where they work, or by talking about their common challenges.

So, it’s important to feature them as much as your product or service – this allows potential customers to identify with your existing customers, to find common ground and understand how they themselves can benefit.

Use video strategically

Video is a powerful medium, but it is important to use it strategically. Consider where your audience is most likely to engage with your video content, such as which social media channels, and adapt your approach to your audience.

One other common way of using these videos is during face-to-face sales meetings, to help drive potential sales over the line.

In conclusion

By featuring the authentic experiences of satisfied customers, video customer testimonials are a powerful tool that can help businesses build trust and credibility with their audience, establish a sense of community with customers and provide a compelling story that showcases the benefits of a product or service.

Have you got happy customers? Would they be good on camera? Do you want to build trust with your audience and promote your brand?

If you’re looking to create a customer testimonial video that truly captures the essence of your brand and resonates with your customers, simply get in touch via the button below or by calling +44 (0)208 339 6139.


5 Video Content Marketing Ideas For Pharmaceutical Brands To Apply

In the latest of our marketing tips vlog series, Chris Tongue, Creative Director at Dead Ready Productions, explains 5 video content ideas that pharmaceutical brands should apply to their marketing strategy. The content of which can be found below.

Hi, this month I’m suggesting 5 effective video approaches to support content campaigns for pharmaceutical brands.

So, if you’re an in-house marketeer for a pharmaceutical brand or working at an agency for pharmaceutical clients, I’d hope this content is useful to you.

It’s worth saying that often your most useful resource will be your Key Opinion Leaders (KOL), so be prepared to get them on-side for filming.

Many KOLs take it upon themselves to get some media training, but it’ll really help the quality of your content if your KOL’s are good on camera.

Number 1: Communicating Study Findings

Traditionally, study findings are reported to audiences via PowerPoint presentations, but you can more powerfully connect the KOL to the content through video.

The simplest way to enliven these findings is the classic talking head in a box approach, where the heavy data can take up most of the screen. However, if you involve a greenscreen, there is a whole world of ways that we can enliven the environment and content.

Feel free to add as much imagination as you feel is appropriate for your audience.

We’ve brought pop up green screen studios to locations worldwide, so it’s easy to bring the production to a location that’s convenient for your KOL.

Number 2: Case Studies

In almost any market, video case studies are a great way to highlight the efficacy of a product. When it comes to pharma, case studies are usually led by a KOL discussing how well treatment is going with a particular patient or group of patients.

These can be effectively communicated through a simple interview-style video, shot at the KOLs institute or place of work. Adding testimonial interview quotes from patients can present an even more compelling case study.

Number 3: Update Vlogs

Consider creating a channel for a particular product in development and have a specialist on the development team deliver regular updates on progress.

These thought leadership videos should only be a couple of minutes long and delivered regularly – providing a touch point for your KOLs and any other interested parties.

Number 4: News

Become a resource for a specific therapy area by attending congresses and organise the filming of update videos from a range of key speakers.

These can easily be shot by a single camera operator and provided they are scheduled in advance, you can shoot and even edit up to fifty 2-3 minute update videos a day!

Number 5: Interactive Video

Your e-learning resources become more engaging, impactful and effective when presented as an interactive video.

In one example, we were asked to help teach GPs how to recognise the right symptom profile to apply certain treatments.

We therefore created a video putting the audience in the shoes of a doctor as patient characters described their symptoms.

Audiences were given options as to what steps to take and guided to a resolution that benefited the patient. Requiring your audience to actively engage with the content in this way dramatically increases the likelihood that the learning objectives are fully absorbed.

So that’s it, 5 simple ideas for pharmaceutical campaigns. But before I go, a useful compliance tip is to use an autocue.

It seems strange to script interviews or other natural interactions but allowing the messaging to be signed off in advance drastically reduces the risk of projects being cancelled in post production – we’ve even held up a script on an iPad before and used post production to make it feel natural, so we’re big advocates of this approach.

As always, put yourself in the shoes of your audience and create videos that solve problems or inspire.

Thanks for watching.

For more helpful information, top tips and useful guides on video production, keep an eye out for our next 60 second marketing tips vlog – coming soon!

In the meantime, if you have a filming brief, or you would like to find out more about the animation, photography and graphic design services Dead Ready Productions can offer your business, simply get in touch via the button below or by calling +44 (0)208 339 6139.


Why Using Video In Your Marketing Will Help Turbocharge Your Sales

With the average person predicted to spend 100 minutes per day watching online videos, there is no denying that video content is a powerful marketing tool.

Used to increase engagement, reach and conversions, video is an essential part of any businesses’ marketing strategy.

At Dead Ready Productions we know this only too well, but to help get this message across (in the best way we know how), we’ve created a short infographic video. The content of which can be found below.

Turbocharge your sales

If people are looking for products like yours… how do they find you?

Online videos make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic.

Including video in a landing page can increase conversion by 80%.

If people have questions about your product… how do you educate them?

72% of customers said they would rather learn about a product or service by way of video.

84% of people say they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video.

If people don’t know who you are… how do you earn their trust?

91% of consumers are likely to reward brands for their originality.

People spend 88% more time browsing on websites that have videos.

The customer now… knows you exist, trusts you, knows your product.

Marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users.

Your sales: Turbocharged

If you would like to find out more about the video, animation, photography and graphic design services Dead Ready Productions can offer your business, please feel free to get in touch via the button below or by calling +44 (0)208 339 6139.

How To Plan Promo Videos For Maximum Engagement

Promo videos often have a lot of information to deliver. Whether you’re using them to launch a product or to promote your business as a whole, you’re probably under pressure to pack in lots of brand messaging and the risk is that you fall into the trap of talking AT your audience.

This severely undermines engagement, so the way to avoid it and to keep the audience focussed on your content, is to not only think about what you’re saying, but HOW you’re saying it.

Here are a few approaches to make sure you’re not only delivering your messaging, but that you’re giving your audience what they want.

Be Slick

Being slick isn’t about being too clever, its about disciplined execution. Cut down on any unnecessary repetitions, pauses or hesitations to keep up the pace of your video and make sure you give it the required rehearsal time.

Consider adding a visual hook which delivers pretty standard corporate messaging, while the one-shot approach takes the audience a visual ride.

Be Impressive

Video is an innovative area of technology and new production approaches are popping up all the time, many of which are available to relatively low production budgets.

If you move fast you can take advantage of the novelty value of augmented reality, 360 filming or aerial footage to to wow your audience with something they’ve not seen before.

Make Us Feel Something

There’s research that suggests that marketing on functions and features can increase the perceived benefits of your brand by 21% which isn’t bad, but if you tap into something emotive, the bump could be more like 42%.

Whether you’re making your audience laugh or tugging at the heartstrings, emotive scripts benefit from having a focussed creative vision.

So, assign script writing responsibility to your most talented writer (or engage a pro script-writer), give them plenty of rope and protect them from interference from elsewhere in the business.


Embrace Metaphors

Finally, I wanted to share an example of a promo video we produced for software platform Jaggaer One.

Knowing the complexity of their product would be difficult to explain literally in a few short minutes, the client embraced the idea of featuring a visual metaphor to quickly communicate the value of the platform.

Presenting the gymnast on the pommel horse at the beginning gave the audience something unexpected to kick off the video and kept them engaged, before easing them into the specific benefits of the product.


The key to a successful promo is to excite your audience; inspire them with a vision of how their future could be if they were to reap the benefits of your offering. If you know your customer and you never lose site of what they want, you can’t go wrong. Good luck!

If you would like to discuss how Dead Ready Productions could help you to further enjoy the benefits of video for your business, please get in touch via the button below or by calling +44 (0)208 339 6139.